Our club works diligently to improve the lives of children. The Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Please consider our club in your charitable giving. To make a donation, please contact us.
Even more important than your contributions are your actions! Please consider joining the Kiwanis Club today to directly take part in our philanthropic activities. Contact us today to join!
The Kiwanis Club of Troy, Alabama, U.S., supplied the judges, medallions, trophies and free T-shirts for contestants in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee. Congratulations to the winning speller, seventh grader Nylah Teague! #KidsNeedKiwanis... See MoreSee Less
On Thursday, Jan. 30, over 50 Pike County elementary and middle school students competed in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee in TROY’s Claudia Crosby Theater. Nylah Teague, a 7th grader from Ba...
Our club works diligently to improve the lives of children. The Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit organization. Please consider our club in your charitable giving. To make a donation, please contact us.
Even more important than your contributions are your actions! Please consider joining the Kiwanis Club today to directly take part in our philanthropic activities. Contact us today to join!
Facebook Posts
The Kiwanis Club of Troy, Alabama, U.S., supplied the judges, medallions, trophies and free T-shirts for contestants in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee. Congratulations to the winning speller, seventh grader Nylah Teague! #KidsNeedKiwanis ... See MoreSee Less
Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee a success at TROY - Troy Today
On Thursday, Jan. 30, over 50 Pike County elementary and middle school students competed in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee in TROY’s Claudia Crosby Theater. Nylah Teague, a 7th grader from Ba...1 CommentComment on Facebook
On International Women's Day, Kiwanis International trustee Jackie Sue McFarlin has a message for all members. #IWD2025 ... See MoreSee Less
11 CommentsComment on Facebook
I agree. Allowing the women into the club was wise beyond words!
Great message Joanne and I can’t wait to catch up in Pittsburgh
Happy International Women's day to all of us
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