Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is accepting donations to help families of children affected by wildfires. We are asking for new donations of toys, children’s clothing, maternity clothing, phone chargers, batteries, and personal hygiene products. Due to sanitation issues surrounding COVID-19, we ask for all donations to be new. Donations will be accepted until: Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The following locations have generously donated space for us to place our collection bins:
McCulloch Insurance Agency: 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego
Rapid Response Bio-Clean: 2711 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland
Safeway: 401 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Exterior, eastside of store)
Lake Oswego Fire Department: 300 B Avenue, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Library: 706 4th Street, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego City Hall: 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Interior Vestibule)
Monetary Donations are also being accepted. Please make out any checks to our sister Kiwanis Club: Hillsboro Kiwanis Foundation. These funds will be distributed to national disaster relief directly involved in the assistance of Oregon Wildfire Victims. (Red Cross, United Way, etc.) Monetary Donations can be dropped off at: McCulloch Insurance Agency, 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the club members below:
Andrew Caswell: (541) 304-9180, [email protected]
Joyce Handa: [email protected]
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Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell
Wildfire Donation Drive – 9/16/20
Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is accepting donations to help families of children affected by wildfires. We are asking for new donations of toys, children’s clothing, maternity clothing, phone chargers, batteries, and personal hygiene products. Due to sanitation issues surrounding COVID-19, we ask for all donations to be new. Donations will be accepted until: Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The following locations have generously donated space for us to place our collection bins:
McCulloch Insurance Agency: 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego
Rapid Response Bio-Clean: 2711 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland
Safeway: 401 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Exterior, eastside of store)
Lake Oswego Fire Department: 300 B Avenue, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Library: 706 4th Street, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego City Hall: 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Interior Vestibule)
Monetary Donations are also being accepted. Please make out any checks to our sister Kiwanis Club: Hillsboro Kiwanis Foundation. These funds will be distributed to national disaster relief directly involved in the assistance of Oregon Wildfire Victims. (Red Cross, United Way, etc.) Monetary Donations can be dropped off at: McCulloch Insurance Agency, 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the club members below:
Andrew Caswell: (541) 304-9180, [email protected]
Joyce Handa: [email protected]
Category: Club News Tags: Donation Drive, Lake Oswego City Hall, Lake Oswego Fire Department, Lake Oswego Kiwanis, Lake Oswego Library, Lake Oswego Safeway, McCulloch Insurance Agency, Oregon Wildfires, Rapid Response Bio-Clean, Riverside Fire
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I agree. Allowing the women into the club was wise beyond words!
Great message Joanne and I can’t wait to catch up in Pittsburgh
Happy International Women's day to all of us
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