Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is accepting donations to help families of children affected by wildfires. We are asking for new donations of toys, children’s clothing, maternity clothing, phone chargers, batteries, and personal hygiene products. Due to sanitation issues surrounding COVID-19, we ask for all donations to be new. Donations will be accepted until: Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The following locations have generously donated space for us to place our collection bins:
McCulloch Insurance Agency: 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego
Rapid Response Bio-Clean: 2711 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland
Safeway: 401 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Exterior, eastside of store)
Lake Oswego Fire Department: 300 B Avenue, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Library: 706 4th Street, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego City Hall: 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Interior Vestibule)
Monetary Donations are also being accepted. Please make out any checks to our sister Kiwanis Club: Hillsboro Kiwanis Foundation. These funds will be distributed to national disaster relief directly involved in the assistance of Oregon Wildfire Victims. (Red Cross, United Way, etc.) Monetary Donations can be dropped off at: McCulloch Insurance Agency, 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the club members below:
Andrew Caswell: (541) 304-9180, [email protected]
Joyce Handa: [email protected]
Last Updated: September 29, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Donation Delivery on Saturday, September 26th
On Saturday, September, 26th, we made deliveries of donations to a few different locations. As the wildfires have been dying down, some of the traditionally thought out relief centers have received an over abundance of supplies. We needed a creative way to get your donations into the hands of those who need it most.
We visited the Madonna’s Center, a non-profit that serves UNsupported young single parents who cannot provide for their kids. They are referred to individuals who call 211 for assistance. COVID and the wildfires have created a huge demand where they have been turning away young single parent families in need, due to the lack of supplies. One of their volunteers were in tears because of the amount of generosity they received from YOU, the community.
After we left the Madonna’s Center, we headed out to see our friends at Estacada Community Watch. Based on continued communication from throughout the week, they identified a few families with kids who lost everything from the wildfires. We were able to get these donations to them through this partnership.
A family in Estacada that evacuated with their daughters reach out to us directly on our Facebook page. We are looking at getting this family some toys and other goods later this week, and are in the process of going through the donations we have received from you over the past few days.
Thank you to everyone involved. None of this would be possible without all of your help. Also, thank you Ashley Jimenez for your help driving the box truck donated by Rapid Response Bio-Clean.
You still have time to drop off donations. Our donation site partners will be accepting your donations until Wednesday, September 30th. Stop in at McCulloch Insurance Agency, along with L.O. Safeway, L.O. Fire Station, L.O. Library, and City Hall.
Posted: September 29, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
August 16th Thank You Letter Project
COVID-19 has shut down many different things in our lives. It has made socializing difficult, some businesses had to close, while other businesses and organizations had to continue running. Kiwanis Members wanted to recognize those individuals who continued serving the public.
Kiwanis gathered in the backyard of a members home. This was one of the first times members met together in person during COVID-19, as meetings had been taking place on Zoom. Tables were set up so Kiwanis members could distance themselves safely. Members handwrote personal “thank you” notes to employees of various grocery stores, police, fire and medical organizations.
Last Updated: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Wildfire Donation Drive Update – 9/21
The community has been generous in their efforts to donate to children affected by the wildfires. We will be headed to Estacada this evening to deliver supplies to, “Estacada Community Watch”. A call has also been placed to the Clackamas County Sheriffs Office to see whether they would like some supplies to hand out to children they come across in the effected zones.
Donations are still be accepted until September 30th. We are asking for donations of new toys, new clothing, new sports supplies, and baby related supplies. The following sites have generously donated space to accept items:
McCulloch Insurance Agency: 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego
Rapid Response Bio-Clean: 2711 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland
Safeway: 401 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Exterior, eastside of store)
Lake Oswego Fire Department: 300 B Avenue, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Library: 706 4th Street, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego City Hall: 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Interior Vestibule)
Monetary Donations are also being accepted. Please make out any checks to our sister Kiwanis Club: Hillsboro Kiwanis Foundation. These funds will be distributed to national disaster relief directly involved in the assistance of Oregon Wildfire Victims. (Red Cross, United Way, etc.) Monetary Donations can be dropped off at: McCulloch Insurance Agency, 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego.
Questions may be referred to the following club members:
Andrew Caswell: (541) 304-9180, [email protected]
Joyce Handa: [email protected]
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Wildfire Donation Drive – 9/16/20
Kiwanis Club of Lake Oswego is accepting donations to help families of children affected by wildfires. We are asking for new donations of toys, children’s clothing, maternity clothing, phone chargers, batteries, and personal hygiene products. Due to sanitation issues surrounding COVID-19, we ask for all donations to be new. Donations will be accepted until: Wednesday, September 30, 2020. The following locations have generously donated space for us to place our collection bins:
McCulloch Insurance Agency: 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego
Rapid Response Bio-Clean: 2711 SE Milwaukie Avenue, Portland
Safeway: 401 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Exterior, eastside of store)
Lake Oswego Fire Department: 300 B Avenue, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego Library: 706 4th Street, Lake Oswego
Lake Oswego City Hall: 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego (Interior Vestibule)
Monetary Donations are also being accepted. Please make out any checks to our sister Kiwanis Club: Hillsboro Kiwanis Foundation. These funds will be distributed to national disaster relief directly involved in the assistance of Oregon Wildfire Victims. (Red Cross, United Way, etc.) Monetary Donations can be dropped off at: McCulloch Insurance Agency, 17030 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the club members below:
Andrew Caswell: (541) 304-9180, [email protected]
Joyce Handa: [email protected]
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Thank You to Firefighters & EMTs!
Kiwanis Club members baked and delivered homemade cookies to thank essential workers for their dedication and hard work during the Covid-19 virus period.
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Register- MHKC Walk, Roll or Stroll!
Join us for MHKC’s first virtual Walk, Roll, or Stroll! Although we won’t be together in person this year, we will still bring you all of the fun! Get ready, get set and let’s go! It’s not too early to set your walk goal, create a team, or even walk on your own. Fill your summer with fun-filled virtual activities that will all lead up to our big day on Sunday, September 13th! All proceeds go straight to Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp, supporting our mission of empowering children and adults with disabilities. Registration is now OPEN! Register here: For additional information, contact Skye Burnsat [email protected].
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Let’s Fulfill River Grove’s Wishlist of Books!
River Grove Elementary (Title I designated school site), is one of our local partners within our community of Lake Oswego. The U.S. Department of Education describes the Title I program as follows: “schools in which children from low-income families make up at least 40 percent of enrollment are eligible to use Title I funds to operate school wide programs that serve all children in the school in order to raise the achievement of the lowest -achieving students”.
The Principal and teaching staff have compiled a Wishlist of books to help underprivileged students to retain/improve literacy skills during the Covid-19 pandemic and summer break. To access the Registry, go to: to purchase the teacher selected books (books will be donated from and sent directly to the teacher’s home for delivery to the student).
If you have any questions, please contact: Blaise Hammer, River Grove Elementary Counselor at: [email protected].
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Distributing Homemade Face Masks to Our Community
Over 150 non-medical grade face masks were collected and donated through the joint efforts of Jennifer Bergman and Erin McCulloch. Many thanks to local volunteers who donated ‘homemade masks’ to our club for distribution to youth and their caregivers within the River Grove Elementary School. THANK YOU to our wonderful and amazing community of Lake Oswego for showing support during these challenging times.
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
Thank You Healthcare Workers
Handwritten thank you notes were sent to 10 Nurse’s Stations on floors 1-3 at our local hospital “Legacy Meridian Park Medical Center” to acknowledge essential workers for their dedication and tenacity to care for patients during the Covid-19 health crisis.
Posted: September 21, 2020 by Andrew Caswell Leave a Comment
RAFFLE: Win Dinner Anywhere in the World!
Win a trip to have dinner ANYWHERE in the world! The sky is the limit, if you win our BIG raffle, where you call all the shots, including: your preferred mode of transportation, preferred destination, preferred accommodations, preferred restaurant AND… a Visa card worth up to $5,000! Maximum value= $20,000. RAFFLE cost is $100 per ticket!
Visit to buy your ticket and to review the rules online.
Facebook Posts
The Kiwanis Club of Troy, Alabama, U.S., supplied the judges, medallions, trophies and free T-shirts for contestants in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee. Congratulations to the winning speller, seventh grader Nylah Teague! #KidsNeedKiwanis ... See MoreSee Less
Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee a success at TROY - Troy Today
On Thursday, Jan. 30, over 50 Pike County elementary and middle school students competed in the Pike County Scripps Spelling Bee in TROY’s Claudia Crosby Theater. Nylah Teague, a 7th grader from Ba...1 CommentComment on Facebook
On International Women's Day, Kiwanis International trustee Jackie Sue McFarlin has a message for all members. #IWD2025 ... See MoreSee Less
11 CommentsComment on Facebook
I agree. Allowing the women into the club was wise beyond words!
Great message Joanne and I can’t wait to catch up in Pittsburgh
Happy International Women's day to all of us
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